- If it's not on the list, it's not part of 100% completion (such as Unique Jumps, Girlfriends, "Beefy Baron", the Yay Courier, etc.)
- There are 187 things to do for 100% completion and they all have equal weight. There is one checkbox for each, and they each count 1/187 (approximately 0.535%) towards completion)
- There is no Mission Complete music when you do the gym moves or Ammu-nation, check under Misc Stats to ensure that it registered.
- To pass the Schools you need Bronze or above only.
- There is no Mission Complete music when you take Toreno's "Verdant Meadows" or Wu Zi Mu's "Fish in a Barrel" mission, but they count as missions.
- There is Mission Complete music when you finish Level 1 Freight, but it doesn't count as a mission
- The Los Santos Street Races "Low Rider Race" (called "High Stakes, Low-Rider"), "Badlands A" ("Wu Zi Mu") and "Badlands B" ("Farewell, My Love...") are done as missions for Cesar. These are classified in this list as Street Races. You will hear the Mission Complete music if you do it again as a Street Race but it doesn't count as a separate mission.
- There is Mission Complete music after each of the three Chiliad Challenge races, but it only counts for one item on the list